News leaking now and then from Mecca to
the tribe of Bani Ghefar had attracted the mind of Abu Zar, a man of an
inquisitive nature. He wanted to reach the depth of those developments
in Mecca, but the distorted news occasionally obtained from the
individuals, were not making any sense to him. The only definite thing
known to him was that a new voice has arisen in Mecca, and the Meccans
were striving hard to silence it. But what was that new voice and why
the Meccans were opposing it? These were the questions, which remained
unanswered. His brother was going to Mecca. He told him, "People tell me
that a man has appeared in Mecca and has brought some new talks, and
claim they have been revealed unto him from God. Since you are going to
Mecca, investigate into the same and bring me the correct information".
Days passed; he eagerly waited for his brother; when he came back, Abu
Zar asked him:
"What is the news, and how the things stand there?"
"So far as I could gather he is a man who invites people towards good
morals. He has also brought some talk which is not poetry".
"I had wanted you to make a more thorough investigation. This much
information is not enough for my purpose. Better I should go there
personally to find out the truth." He put up some provision on his back
and straight away came to Mecca. He was determined to meet the man who
had brought the new talks and to hear the words from his own mouth. But
he neither knew him nor thought it prudent to enquire about him from
someone else. The atmosphere in Mecca was tense with oppression and
intimidation. Without making his intention known to anyone, he was
looking in all directions, listening to the gossip of the people around
him hoping that it might provide him a 'clue'. The Masjidul Haram was
the centre of news and events. Hence he came there with his baggage on
the back. The day turned into night, but he could find no clue. Night
passed a little; he stretched himself there. Soon after a young man
passed nearby. He looked at Abu Zar with searching eyes, and went away.
His glance seemed to him very meaningful. It occurred to him that
perhaps that young man was the right person to divulge his secret to. He
followed him but came back not daring to speak to him.
Next day also he sat whole day in Masjidul Haram alert looking to
every possible clue; but in vain. The night befell and he again
stretched on the same spot. The same youth appeared again and
respectfully said, "Has the time not come for you to come to your house
and spend the night there?" Saying this he took him to his house. Abu
Zar did not divulge his secret that night, nor did the youth ask him.
Early morning Abu Zar said good-bye to him and came to the mosque after
his pursuit. That day also turned into night and he could not make out
anything from the talks of the people. The young man again appeared and
took him to his house; but this time he broke the silence:

Hazrat Abu Zar Radhi Allaho anhu, said: I have heard
Sayyid-e-Aalam Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim saying: Do
you listen, indeed amongst you the example of my Ahl-e-Bayt is
like that of Noah's boat; whoever boards it, he obtains Najat
(safety) and one who missed it, he stood doomed to destruction. |
"Can you tell me why you have come to this city?"
"I shall tell you if you promise to help me."
"I promise I shall do my best to help you."
"The fact is that we have been hearing among our tribes that a man
has appeared in Mecca and has brought some talks claiming the same to be
revealed unto him from God. I have come so that I may see him and may
investigate about him. Firstly, tell me what do you believe about him?
Secondly, can you guide me to him?"
"Rest assured he is on right and what he says is from God. I shall
take you to him in the morning. But as you are aware if these people
came to know about it your life as well as mine will be in danger.
Tomorrow morning I shall walk ahead and you follow me at a distance. If
I will see any danger I shall stand and bow towards the earth like a man
emptying a pot; then you must be off. If there is no danger you will
follow me where-ever I go".
Next morning the youth who was none else than Ali appeared from his
house, Abu Zar following him. Fortunately the way was clear and they
reached the house of the prophet safely.
He made a thorough study of the manners of the Prophet and also
listened to the verses of the Qur'an. Not much time has passed that he
embraced Islam very enthusiastically. He made a convent with the Prophet
that he would not listen to any reproach in the way of Allah during his
whole life and would speak truth even though it might be bitter for some
The Prophet said: "Now go back to your tribes and invite them towards
Islam till you receive my next order." He said, "Very well; but before
leaving this city I shall go before these people and will announce
before them the slogan of Islam, come what may."
He went straight to the heart of the City, i.e. the Mosque and cried
before the congregation of Quraish:
"(I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Mohammad is His
Servant and Messenger)."
Hearing this slogan from the stranger, Meccans rushed at him
immediately and had Abbas son of Abdul Muttlaib not come to his rescue
they would have torn him to pieces. Abbas said, "This man is from the
tribe of Ghefar, and the trade caravan of Quraish plying between Mecca
and Syria passes through their lands. Don't you think if you kill one of
their men, you will never again be allowed to pass through their land
Abu Zar was rescued from their hands. However, he was not satisfied.
He said, "Once again I shall repeat this slogan. Let these people hear
what they don't like to hear at all. If they hear it again and again
they will become used to it."
So, next day he repeated the same slogan. Again the people attacked
him and Abbas who was present there saved him from their atrocities.
After that, according to the order of the Prophet, he returned home
and started preaching Islam among his tribe. When the Prophet migrated
to Medina, Abu Zar too went to him and remained in Medina almost to the
end of his life. He was extremely frank and owing to these virtuous
attributes he was exiled during the Caliphate of Othman, first to Syria
and later at a place named Rabza near Medina. There he died a lonely
death. The Prophet had said about him:
"May God bless Abu Zar! He will live alone, will die alone and shall
be brought up alone on the Day of Resurrection." |
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