


 Golden Sayings & Speeches of Hazrat Imam e Hassan Askari a.s
Asalamoalaka ya Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari a.s.
  1. Hazrat Imam Al-Hassan Ibn Ali Al-Askari (a.s) reported that his Fathers quoted Jabir Ibn Abdullah as saying: "The Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h) said: 'When Allah created Adam and Eve, they strutted through paradise and said: 'Who are better than we?' At that moment they noticed an image of a girl like they had never seen before; from this girl came an illuminating light so bright that it almost blinded the eyes. They said: 'O Lord, what is this?' He answered: 'This is the image of Fatima, the mistress of your women descendants.' Adam asked: 'What is this crown on her head?' Allah said: 'Her husband Ali.' Adam then asked: 'What are her two earrings?' Allah replied: 'Her (two) sons, they were ordained in My ever-existent knowledge two thousand years before I created you."
  2. Hazrat Imam Askari (A.S.) said: "A woman came to Hazrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) and said: `I have a weak mother who has become confused about a matter related to her prayer; she sent me to inquire from you about it.' Fatima Zahra (A.S.) answered her; the woman repeatedly came with questions for Fatima, and she (A.S.) kindly answered her every time. One day the lady again approached Fatima (A.S.) with another question from her mother and said to Fatima:
    `I shall not inconvenience you (any more), daughter of Allah's Messenger.'
    Fatima replied: 'Ask me regarding anything, which comes to your mind. Because if a man had been hired to transport a heavy load to the top of a mountain for a reward of one thousand dinars, do you think it would bother him?'
  3. The woman said: `No'  Fatima continued: `My reward for (answering) every inquiry is more than that which fills (the space) between the ground and the Throne with pearls; thus, I should be more apt to answer your questions. Surely I heard my father say: `When the scholars of our Shiite (followers) are gathered (on the Day of Resurrection), they will be bestowed with garments of honor equal in quantity to their knowledge and struggle to guide Allah's worshippers, up to the point that anyone of them will be gifted with one million garments of light.' Then the caller of our Exalted and Glorified Lord will say: `O you guardians of the orphans of Muhammad. (You) who inspire them when they are separated from their fathers, who are their Imams; these are your pupils and the orphans whom you guarded and inspired, therefore bestow them with garments of knowledge in life. Thus, they will bestow each orphan with that which corresponds to the amount of knowledge he received from them (the scholars); up to the point that some orphans are bestowed with one million garments. Like-so, the orphans bestow those who learnt from them.' Then Allah, the Exalted said: `Repeat upon these scholars, the guardians of the orphans, the bestowment and double and complete it for them and for those who follow them"
  4. Fatima (A.S.) then added: `Worshipper of Allah, surely a thread of those garments is better than that on which the sun rises. "'
  5. Hazrat Imam Askari (a.s) said: "A woman came to Fatima Zahra (a.s) and said: 'I have a weak mother who has become confused about a matter related to her prayer; she sent me to inquire from you about it''
  6. Allah is the one with who me all the creatures seek refuge at the time of need & hardships & while the hope from all the creations & the causes antecedents & determinants except Him, is discontinued & cut off. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-3, P-41]
  7. The love of the pious ones for the pious ones is a reward & recompense for those pious. And the love of debauch (libertine) for the pious ones is a sublimity & superiority for the pious ones. And the grudge of the debauch for pious ones is the decoration for the pious ones. And the grudge & enemity of pious ones against the debauch & libertine is a humility for the debauch (sabarite). {Tuhful Aqool P-487]
  8. As soon as the 12th Imam was born he did sijda (prostration) and proclaimed the oneness of Allah and the Prophet hood of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh&hf)
    He also recited the 5th aya of Suratul-Qasas "And We intend to bestow (Our) favours upon those who are weak in the land and make them the Imams (leaders) and make them the heirs". On his right hand was written the 82nd aya of Suratu Bani Israel "The truth has come and falsehood has vanished; Indeed falsehood (is a thing by nature) vanishing". The 11th Imam only told a handful of his most trusted believers of the birth of his son and to a few of his household slaves.
    One of the women slaves called Naseema relates that when she went to see the baby Imam in his cradle she greeted him with salaam and was replied to. She then sneezed and the Imam said: "Yarhamukillah - it is a blessing from Allah and you have 3 days immunity from death".
  9. No respectful one abandons the right except it that he become debased & abjected , & no abjected & debased acquires it except that he becomes respectful & honorable. [Wasail u Shia , Vol-18 , P-95]
  10. Thus the one out of the jurisprudents who is the protector of his soul, saver of his religion , the opposer of his passions & lusts (of ego), sub massive to the command of his Lord , so it is obligartory for the people to imitate & follow him (Taqleed means unconditional imitation). [Wasail u Shia , Vol-18 , P-95]
  11. An age will approach when the people’s faces would be laughing (exalting) & their hearts would be dark , bleak & dirty . The sunnah to them would be innovation & heresy & innovation would be (considered) sunnah among them. The faithful would be belittled & debased among them , & the transgressor would be honorable & respectful among them. Their lords & chiefs would be ignorant & aggressive ones. And the religious scholars would be on the threshold of the aggressors & tyrants. [Mustadak ul Wasail, Vol-2 , P-322]
  12. Whoever admonishes his brother secretly he has decorated him & the one who admonishes him openly & publicly has vilified & rebuked him. [Tuhful Aqool , P-489]
  13. The best of your brothers is the one who forgets your sin & remember & mentions your favors done to him. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78, P-379]
  14. Hazrat Imam Hasan Askari(a.s), our 11th Imam said:
    " A woman came to Fatimah Zahra(as) and said:
    " I have a weak mother who has become confused about a matter related to her prayer, so she sent me to inquire from you about it."
    Lady Fatimah (as) answered her; the woman repeatedly came with questions for Lady Fatimah (as), and she kindly answered her every time.
    One day the woman again approached Lady Fatimah (as) with another question from her mother and said to Lady Fatimah (as): "I shall not inconvenience you any more, O' daughter of the Messenger of Allah(saaw)".
    Lady Fatimah (as) replied " Ask me regarding anything which comes to your mind, because if a man had been hired to transport a heavy load to the top of a mountain for a reward of one thousand dinars, do you think it would bother him?"
    The woman said "No".
    Lady Fatimah (as) continued "My reward for answering every inquiry is more than that which fills the space between the ground and the throne with pearls; thus, I should be more apt to answer your questions, for surely I heard my father say": " When the scholars of our Shia are gathered on the day of resurrection, they will be bestowed with the garments of honour equal in quantity to their knowledge and struggle to guide the worshippers of Allah(swt), up to the point that anyone of them will be gifted with one million garments of light."
    Then the caller of our Exalted and Glorified Lord will say:
    " O you guardians of the orphans of Muhammed(saaw). You who inspire them when they are separated from their fathers, who are their Imams; these are your pupils and the orphans whom you guarded and inspired, therefore bestow them with garments of knowledge in life".
    Thus they will bestow each orphan with that which corresponds to the amount of knowledge he recieved from them (the scholars); up to the point that some orphans are bestowed with one million garments. Likewise, the orphans bestow those who learnt from them. Then Allah(swt), the Exalted said:
    "Repeat upon these scholars, the guardians of the orphans, the bestowment and double and complete for them and for those who follow them"
    Lady Fatimah (as) then added: " O' worshipper of Allah(swt), surely a thread of those garments is better than that on which the sun rises".
  15. Imam Al Hassan Ibn Ali Al Askari reported that his father quoted Jabir Ibn Abdullah as saying : ' The Messenger of Allah, Peace be Upon him and his cleansed progeny, said : ' When Allah created Adam and Eve, they strutted through paradise and said : ' Who are better than we ? ' At that moment they noticed an image of a girl like they had never seen before; from this girl came an illuminating light so bright that it almost blinded the eyes.
    They said : ' O Lord, what is this ? '
    He answered : ' This is the Image of Fatima ( as ), the mistress of your women descendants. ' Lisan Al Mizan Volume 3 page 346
  16. The foolish’s heart is in his mouth & the mouth (lips) of the wise one is in his heart (the foolish says whatever he pleases , without considering it’s repercussion where as the sage thinks before speaking). [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-374]
  17. The person who rides the back of falsehood, lands upon the house of regret & shame. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-379]
  18. Rage & anger is the key to all evils. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-373]
  19. Do not enter a disputed discussion as it will take away your honor & respect & do not make mockery & joke as people would pick up courage & dare at you . [Tuhful Aqool , P-486]
  20. How shameful & abominable is that a faithful becomes inclined towards a thing which degrades & belittles him. [Anwar ul Bahiyya, P-353]
  21. Faithful is a beneficence & benevolence for another faithful & a logic & proof for the infidel.(Logic & proof of Allah) [Tuhful Aqool , P-489]
  22. There is nothing over & above 2 qualities, belief & faith upon Allah & benefiting the faithful brethren. [Tuhful Aqool , P-489]
  23. The neighbor who conceals the good deed when he sees it, & reveals if he sees a bad act, is from among the extreme & back breaking agonies. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-372]
  24. Humbleness is a boon & beneficence which does not get subjected to the jealousy of people. [Tuhful Aqool , P-489]
  25. It is against the etiquettes to express joy & pleasure before the grieved on. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-321]
  26. The person nursing grudge & enemity has the least of comfort among the people. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-373]
  27. All the evils are present together in a house & lying is the key to it. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-379]
  28. To say it that , “ I wish I may not be brought to question except for this sin is a unforgivable sin. Then he (A.s) said polytheism among people is more hideous & invisible than an ant over the black convass on a dark night. [Tuhful Aqool , P-487]
  29. No One except a thankful a grateful person recognize the beneficence & favor. And no body thanks for the boon & benevolence except the Gnostic (sagacious) [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-378]
  30. The one who praises as incapable & undeserving person stays at the abode of the accused person. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-378]
  31. The weakest of the enemies from strategic point of view is the one who manifest & reveals his enemity. ) [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-379]
  32. Training the ignorant & reverting the habitual addict back from his habit is like a miracle (most rare & difficult). [Tuhful Aqool , P-489]
  33. Do know it that insistingly begging & questioning for the grant of need takes away the honor (dishonors) & causes inconvenience, pain, & suffering.  [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-378]
  34. This very politeness, courtesy & civility is sufficient for you that you refrain from doing what you dislike in others. (The bad deeds & evils). [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-377]
  35. Indeed , generosity & charity has a quantity so when it exceeds that it becomes spending lavishly (squandering). And so does foresightedness & caution has a limit & when it exceeds that then it is cowardice. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-377]
  36. Observing the middle way in economy has a quantity when it exceeds that then it is stinginess & avarice. And there is a limit to bravery & gallantry & when it exceeds that then it is rashness & impetuousness. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-377]
  37. The person whose disposition is piety & his nature is generosity & his quality is forbearance & tolerance the number of his friends would become great. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-379]
  38. When the hearts become mirthful & exhilarated then hand them over (saturated & feed them with) knowledge And when they shrink it then leave them alone (since hearts & souls have a particular condition when ready for imbibing learning.) [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-379]
  39. Allah has made the fasting obligatory so that those rich & wealthy taste & realize the touch (agony of) hunger & consequently become kind to the poor. (Kashif ul Ghuma, Vol-2 , P-193)
  40. The sustenance which has become guaranteed (by Allah) must not refrain & make you so busy so that you do not perform the obligatory practices. [Bihar ul Anwar vol-78 , p-374]
  41. Refrain & avoid fame seeking & striving for power, as these two invite man towards annihilation. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-371]
  42. Much of service of adoring does not mean one should pray & fast a lot but indeed the abundance & plentifulness of service is exorbitantly & plentifully mediation into the affair of Allah. [Tuhful Aqool , P-488]
  43.  Be afraid of Allah & become a decoration & do not become a (source of) a disgusting & miserable object (for us). [Tuhful Aqool , P-488]
  44. A greedy one does not get more than what has been destined for him. [Tuhful Aqool , P-489]
  45. The boldness & courage of a son in small age (childhood upon his father becomes the cause of his disobedience & molesting him (father) when he grows up. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-374]
  46. Laughing without any amazement is (a sign of) ignorance. [Tuhful Aqool , P-487]
  47. You are leading shortening lives & limited durations And death suddenly approaches. Who so ever sows benevolence & beneficence reaps joy & pleasure And the one who sows evil reaps repentance & shame. Every body reaps , what he sows. [Tuhful Aqool , P-489]
  48. The one who does not have the fear of people (in committing sin) will not be afraid of Allah. [Bihar ul Anwar Vol-78 , P-377]
  49. Once when the 'Abbasid caliph asked his Minister for Charities (awqaf) Ahmed ibn 'Abd Allah ibn Khaqan, who was an enemy of the Prophet (S.W.)'s family, about the descendants of Imam 'Ali Naqee (A.S.), he reported: "I do not know anybody among them who is more distinguished than Hasan al-'Askari. None can surpass him in dignity, knowledge, piety and abstinence, nor can anybody match him in the point of nobleness, majestic grandeur, modesty and honesty".
  50. Then he further said: “One day I was present with my father when Imam al-‘Askari arrived there, although my father was the enemy of the Prophet's family, yet he got up from his place, kissed his hand and made him seated upon his own place and sat before him like a pupil in front of a teacher and listened to Imam's words carefully.”
  51. Generosity has a limit, when crossed becomes extravagance; caution has a limit when crossed becomes cowardice; thriftiness has a limit, when crossed becomes miserliness; courage has a limit, when crossed becomes fool-hardiness.
  52. Let this moral lesson suffice: refrain from doing anything which you would disapprove of if done by someone else.
  53. Let piety be your provision, patience be your garment, and buy hardship in the path of Allah.
  54. Be true in your speech, trustworthy in performing your deeds, prolong your sajdah (prostration), deal with others with best behavior, and treat your neighbor amicably.
  55. Perform your prayers even with those whom you think to be your opposition; attend their funeral ceremonies, visit their sick, and give them their rights.
  56. Verily I tell you that whosoever is honest and has good behavior in the eyes of others, he is our pious follower whom I will be proud of.
  57. Fear Allah, be as adornment on behalf of us and be not as shame that defames our name. This is the only way by which others shall be attracted toward us (the Ahlul Bayt of the Holy Prophet s.w.).
  58. Worship is not the quantity of prayer and fast, it's how much you think of your God.
  59. The worst of people is he who has two faces and two tongues, praises his brother in front of him, and eats his flesh in his absence.
  60. Anger is the key to all evil.
  61. The heart of an ignorant is his mouth, and the mouth of a wise person is his heart.
  62. I was with Imam al-Askari (PBUH) when he told his servant to boil some water. Once it was ready, Imam al-Mahdi’s (PBUH) mother brought it to him. As she handed the bowl of hot water to Imam al-Askari (PBUH), his hands began shaking and the bowl hit his front teeth. Then the Imam (PBUH) put the bowl down on the ground and told his servant: “go to that room and you will see a child prostrating, bring him to me.”
  63. The Imam’s servant said, “I entered the room; I saw a child prostrating and his index finger was pointed toward the sky. I greeted the respectable child, he replied, and shortened his prayer. When he was done with his prayer, I told him that Imam Hassan al-Askari is waiting for you. At the same time his mother entered the room, held his hand, and took him to the Imam.”
  64. When the child arrived, he greeted the Imam. I looked at him and noticed that his face has a glowing shine, his hair is curled up, and there is a space in between his teeth. As soon as Imam looked at his son, he started weeping and said: “Oh the descendant of the Prophet, give me some water. Indeed I will be returning to Allah (SWT).”
  65. Those who advise their friend secretly are respecting them, and those who advise them openly are humiliating them.
  66. The child held the bowl in his hands, gave some water to his father, and quenched his thirst. Imam al-Askari (PBUH) then said to his child: “My son, glad tidings to you; that you are the Mahdi, and the Hujjat of Allah (SWT) on earth. You are my son, my successor, and I am your father. You are Muhammad ibn al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Mousa ibn Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Hussain ibn Ali ibn Abitalib (PBUH), and your great grandfather is the Messenger of Allah (SWT). You are the last Imam from the descendant of the household of the Prophet (PBUH&HP), and your name is like the name of the Prophet of Islam. This is a promise to me from my father and from my pure ancestors...”
  67. Generosity has a limit, which when crossed becomes extravagance; caution has a limit which when crossed becomes cowardice; thriftiness has a limit, which when crossed becomes miserliness; courage has a limit, which when crossed becomes fool-hardiness. Let this moral lesson suffice: refrain from doing anything which you would disapprove of if done by someone else.
  68. "We held a meeting in the district of "al-Askar", then, we waited for the day of Abu Muhammad's (the Holy Imam) going by, instead, he (a.s.) sent a letter in which he wrote the following: 'No one should greet me, nor refer to me with his hand nor gestures, because you would not secure yourselves."
  69. Be hard on him. Don't give him any ease.'
  70. "What can I do with him?" Salih asked them. 'I entrusted two of the most evil men I found (to guard the Imam). These two men became (men) of worship, prayer and fasting to an amazing extent.' Then, he ordered these two men who were in charge of Imam Hasan al-Askari(A.S.)) to be present. He told them: 'Shame on you! What is your involvement in the affairs of this man (i.e. the Holy Imam)?' They answered: "What can we say about a man who fasts at day and stands (in prayer) at night, who does not speak, and occupies himself with nothing except worship? When he (the Imam) looks at us, our limbs shake and within us in (a feeling) which we have never had. When the Abbasids heard this, they all left in despair."
  71. Abu Hashim al-Ja'fari, on the authority of Dawood bin Aswad, the stoker of Abu Muhammad (a.s.), is quoted to have said: "One day, my lord, Abu Muhammad, [i.e. Imam al-Askari(A.S.)], called me and handed to me a threshold, which seemed very heavy. He (a.s.) told me to take it to Amri. Therefore, I started out, but on the way a water carrier with a mule advanced towards me. His mule approached me on my way and the water carrier called to me to shout it back to him. Instead, I hit it with the threshold and started beating it. As a result, the board split and I looked at it and found books inside it. So, I hastened to the thereshold and held it under my sleeve. The water carrier started carrying, and cursing me and my owner. When I approached the house of my Lord, upon returning, the Imam's servant, Isa received me at the door and said: "My master has asked you: Why did you beat the mule and break the threshold?"
  72. I answered him: "O my master! I did not know what was in it. He (A.S..), then, said: "Why did you do an action and then apologize for it. Be careful not to repeat it, again, from now on, When you hear someone cursing us, go on your way on which you are ordered. And be aware not to answer someone who curses us or introduce yourself. Because we are in an evil land, go on your way. Your news and conditions reach us, so be aware of that."
  73. On the authority of Muhammad bin Abdul-Aziz Balkhi, who said: "One day in the morning, I sat on a street called "Ghanam", and it happened that Abu Muhammad (A.S.), (the Holy Imam), was coming from his house, on the way to a public inn. I said to myself: "Consider O people! This is Allah's proof on you; therefore, acknowledge him. ' When he[the Holy Imam (A.S.)] passed beside me, he gestured with his forefinger towards me to keep silent. On that night I saw him saying: 'Surely, it is either to keep silent or be killed, therefore be awere of Allah against yourself.'"
  74. Imam (AS) said: -Worship is not the quantity of prayer and fast, it's how much you think of your God.
  75. The worst of people is he who has two faces and two tongues,
  76. Praises his brother in front of him, and eats his flesh in his absence.
  77. Anger is the key to all evils.
  78. The heart of an ignorant is his mouth, and the mouth of a wise person is
  79. Imam Hasan Askari himself has said to an Alawi Sayed, Mohammad bin Ali Hamz,"Waliya-e-Khuda and my successor was born on the dawn of 15th Shabaan 255 Hijri".
  80. One day, my lord, Abu Muhammad, [i.e. Imam al-Askari(A.S.)], called me and handed to me a threshold, which seemed very heavy. He (a.s.) told me to take it to Amri. Therefore, I started out, but on the way a water carrier with a mule advanced towards me. His mule approached me on my way and the water carrier called to me to shout it back to him. Instead, I hit it with the threshold and started beating it. As a result, the board split and I looked at it and found books inside it. So, I hastened to the thereshold and held it under my sleeve. The water carrier started carrying, and cursing me and my owner. When I approached the house of my Lord, upon returning, the Imam's servant, Isa received me at the door and said: "My master has asked you: Why did you beat the mule and break the threshold?" I answered him: "O my master! I did not know what was in it.
  81. He (A.S..), then, said: "Why did you do an action and then apologize for it.
  82. Be careful not to repeat it, again, from now on, When you hear someone cursing us, go on your way on which you are ordered.
  83. And be aware not to answer someone who curses us or introduce yourself.
  84. Because we are in an evil land, go on your way.
  85. Your news and conditions reach us, so be aware of that."
  86. What can we say about a man who fasts at day and stands (in prayer) at night, who does not speak, and occupies himself with nothing except worship? When he (the Imam) looks at us, our limbs shake and within us in (a feeling) which we have never had. When the Abbasids heard this, they all left in despair."
  87. Imam Hasan 'Askari has informed that the Qa'im and the Mahdi will be his son and that the house of the Imam and the Prophet is protected from falsehood and error.
  88. Imam Hasan 'Askari when someone asked him regarding the hadith that was related from his forefathers, namely: "The earth will never be void of the hujjat (God's proof), and any one who dies without acknowledging the Imam of the Age dies the death of ignorance."
  89. The Imam responded: "Yes, indeed the matter is as clear and real as daylight."
  90. Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) has showed his son Hazrat Hujjat to many of his servants and trusted followers (who are sure not to give the message to the Abbasi Caliph) and they have given witness to the birth of Hazrat-e-Mahdi (a.s.).
  91. The person went on to ask: "Who is the hujjat and the Imam after you?" He said: "After me the hujjat and the Imam will be my son Muhammad.
  92. Thank God that He did not take me away from this world without showing me my successor. He (my son) is closest to the Prophet in his features and character. God will keep him for a while in occultation and then He will cause him to emerge so that he will fill the earth with justice and equity.
  93. Do not dispute (with others) lest you will lose splendor and do not joke (with everyone) lest you will be disrespected.
  94. Rest assured that no one has a special relationship with Allah. Whoever denies me is not my (follower). The appearance of the Relief  (al-faraj) depends solely upon Allah; therefore,  those who propose a certain time for it are liars.
  95. As to the benefit of my existence in Occultation, it is like the benefit of the sun behind clouds where the eyes do not see.
  96. Indeed, my existence is an amnesty for the people of the earth. 
  97. Pray much to Allah to hasten the Relief, for therein also lies the release from your sufferings.
  98. As for those who accept to sit in a place other than the first row of a session, Allah and His angels will bless them until they leave that session.
  99. A son has been born to me. Keep this matter secret, because I will not divulge it except to my close associates and relatives.
  100. On the third day he showed him to his companions and said: 'This son of mine will be your master and Imam after me. He is the Qa'im who is being awaited by everyone. When the earth is filled with injustice and tyranny, he will rise, and fill it with justice and equity.
  101. Imam Hasan al-Askari(A.S.) answer the man who asked him a miracle or a proof of Imamat: The punishment will be doubled for those who refuted the miracle or proof of Imamat after it had been presented to them according to their demand.
  102. He who shows patience will be supplied with the support of Allah.
  103. People are accustomed to publicize false missives that they themselves forge.
  104. We supplicate to Allah for guiding us (to the right).
  105. Matters are either submission or destruction.
  106. The end results of everything belong to Allah.
  107. 'The Proof of God and my successor was born circumcised on the 15th night of Sha'ban, year 255 (870 CE), in the early hour of dawn.'
  108. Thus the one out of the jurisprudents who is the protector of his soul, saver of his religion, the opposer of his passions and lusts (of ego), submissive to the command of his Lord, so it is obligatory for the people to imitate and follow him.
  109. Rage and anger is the key to all evils.
  110. Do not enter into a disputed discussion as it will take away your honor and respect. And do not make a mockery and joke as people would pick up courage and dare at you.
  111. How shameful and abominable is it that a faithful becomes inclined toward a thing which degrades and belittles him.
  112. Humbleness is a boon & beneficence which does not get subjected to the jealousy of people.
  113. It is against etiquette to express joy and pleasure before the grieved one.
  114. The one nursing grudge and enmity has the least of comfort among the people.
  115. To say that "I wish I may not be brought to question except for this sin is an unforgivable sin. Then he (AS) said, "Polytheism among the people is more hideous and invisible than an ant over the black convass on a dark night."
  116. No one except a thankful and grateful person recognizes the beneficence and favor. And nobody thanks for the boon and benevolence except the Gnostic (sagacious).
  117. The one who praises an incapable and undeserving person stays at the abode of the accused person.
  118. The weakest of enemies from the strategic point of view is the one who manifests and reveals his enmity.
  119. The sustenance which has become guaranteed (by Allah) must not refrain and make you so busy that you do not perform the obligatory practices.
  120. Refrain and avoid fame-seeking and striving for power, as these two invite man towards annihilation.
  121. Be afraid of Allah and become a decoration and do not become a (source of) a disgusting and miserable object (for us).
  122. A greedy one does not get more than what has been destined for him.
  123. Laughing without any amazement is a (sign of) ignorance.
  124. The one who does not have the fear of people (in committing sin) will not be afraid of Allah.
  125. An age will approach when the people’s faces will be laughing and their hearts will be dark, bleak and dirty.
  126. The sunnah to them would be innovation and heresy and innovation would be sunnah among them.
  127. The faithful would be belittled and debased among them, and the transgressor would be honorable and respectful among them.
  128. Their lords and chiefs would be ignorant and aggressive ones.
  129. And the religious scholars would be on the threshold of the aggressors and tyrants.
  130. Training the ignorant and reverting the habitual addict back from his habit is like a miracle.
  131. You are leading shortening lives and limited durations and death suddenly approaches.
  132. Whosoever sows benevolence and beneficence reaps joy and pleasure.
  133.  Imam al-Askari(A.S.) answered the man who reported to him the disagreement of Shias: Allah has addressed to the intelligent exclusively.
  134. People are of different classes: some are the discerning on a way of salvation; they are holding fast to the right and clinging to the branch of the origin; they are neither doubtful not suspicious; they do not consider a shelter other than me.
  135. Some are those who have not received the right from its very people; they are like those who embarked on a ship; they ripple when the sea is wavy and calm down when the sea is calm.
  136. Some are those who are dominated by the Shaitan; their one and only job is to refute the people of the right and substitute the wrong for the right out of envy.
  137. Hence, leave those who went astray to the right and left.
  138. When a shepherd wants to gather the hoard, he will not need to exert efforts for so.
  139. Beware of divulging our secrets and seeking power, for these two things drive into perdition.
  140. Within the unforgivable sins are the sins whose committers wish if they would not commit anything else." Imam al-Askari(A.S.) then said: "Polytheism of people is more hidden that the creeping of ants on a black piece of cloth in a gloomy night.
  141.  "Bismillah ar Rahman ir Rahim -- in the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful-" is as near to the Great Name (of Allah) as the iris to the white of the eye.
  142.  In the time of Imam al-Hasan Askari(A.S.), some of the Shias disagreed about his Imamat; therefore the following message was publicized carrying his signature: No one of my fathers suffered the (affliction of the) disagreement of such a group like I did. If this matter of Imamat that you have believed in and embraced is temporary, then I doubt it. If it is as permanent as the affairs of Allah, then what is the meaning of this doubt?
  143. Hasan b. Mundhir reports that one day Hamza b. Abu al-Fath came to see him and informed him: "Last night God granted Imam 'Askari a son. However, he has asked us to keep the matter secret. I asked him his name. He said it is Muhammad.
  144. Among those who were present at the birth of the twelfth Imam and who reported the event in great detail was Hakima Khatun, the daughter of Imam Muhammad Taqi and the aunt of Imam Hasan 'Askari. The story in brief is recounted by her as follows: One day I was visiting Imam 'Askari's house. At night, which happened to be the fifteenth night of Sha'ban (255 AH/29th July, 870), when I wanted to return to my home, the Imam said: "Aunt, stay with us tonight, because God's friend and my successor will be born this night." I asked: "Which one of your slave-girls is expecting?"
  145. He said: "Sawsan." Hence, I started looking at her to see if there were any signs of pregnancy in her. I could not see any. After breaking the fast and finishing prayers, I slept in the same room as Sawsan. After a while I woke up from my sleep and began to think about what Imam 'Askari had predicted. Then I started performing the midnight prayers. Sawsan also woke up and prepared to perform her prayers. It was getting close to the dawn. But there was no sign of child-birth in her. I was beginning to doubt what the Imam had predicted when he said from his room: "Aunt dear, do not doubt. The time for my son's birth is approaching."
  146. All of a sudden Sawsan's condition started changing. I asked her if everything was alright. She said that she was feeling some discomfort. I began to prepare things that were needed for delivery and took charge of the situation. Within a short while God's friend was born, all clean and pure. Just then Imam 'Askari said: "O Aunt, bring my son to me." When I took him to the Imam he held him close to himself and stroked his tongue over the infant's eyes. The eyes of the infant opened immediately. Then he stroked his mouth and ears with his tongue, and his head with his hand. At that time the infant began to recite verses from the Qur'an. Then he gave the infant back to me and asked me to take him back to his mother. I brought him to his mother and went home.
  147. On the third day, I came back to Imam 'Askari's house and straight away I went to Sawsan's room to see the child. But I did not see him. I went to the Imam's room. but hesitated to ask about the infant. The Imam at once informed me: "O aunt, my son is in concealment in God's protection. When I depart from this world and when you see my followers in dispute about my successor, tell those trustworthy among them what you have witnessed in connection with his birth. However, make sure that the event is guarded in secrecy because my son will be in occultation
  148. The mutual love of the pious. The hate of the sinful to the pious is an advantage for the pious. The hate of the pious to the sinful is debasement for the sinful.
  149.  To greet everyone you pass by and to sit in a place other than the first class of a session are signs of modesty.
  150. Reasonless laughter is a sign of ignorance. 
  151. Within the misfortunes that deal a death blow is the neighbor who overshadows any good feature that he notices and propagandizes any defect that he notices.
  152. Imam al-Askari(A.S.) said to his adherents (Shias) I command you to fear Allah, show piety to your religion, work hard for Allah's sake, tell truths only, return the deposits to their owners whether they are pious or sinful, prostrate yourselve before Allah for a long time, and treat your neighbors courteously. These are the matters that Mohammaed(S.A.W.) brought. Offer prayers in the middle of your folks, attend their funeral ceremonies, visit their ill ones, and fulfill their rights. I am pleased if people point to you and say "this is Shi'ite", when you behave piously, tell truths only, return the deposits to their owners, and conduct courteously with people. Fear Allah, be good (examples) and do not be evil. Attract people's fondness of us and save us from every awful character, for we are surely the people of every good thing that is said about us, but we are definitely not the owners of any evil thing that is imputed to us. We enjoy a (distinctive) right in the Book of Allah, a relation (of kinship) to the Messenger of Allah, and a purification whose source is Allah. Only can the liars claim of enjoying our distinctive features. Refer to Allah very much, refer to death, recite the Quran, and bless the Prophet (S.A.W.). A single blessing of the Prophet (S.A.W.) is ten advantages. Retain the matter of which I have commanded you. Allah keep you under His supervision. Peace be upon you.
  153. Very much offering of prayers and fasting is not the worship; the very worship is the very much pondering over the affairs of Allah.
  154. The worst servants - of Allah - are those who are two-faced and two-tongued; they praise their present friends and backbite the absent; they envy them for obtaining graces and disappoint them when they suffer a misfortune.
  155. Anger is the key to every evil.
  156. In 260 A.H. Imam al-Askari(A.S.) said to his adherents: We have previously ordered you to put the rings in your right hands when we were among you. Now, because you will no longer meet us (normally), we order you to put your rings in your left hands until Allah make your, as well as our, Question prevalent. This is surely the best proof through which you can prove your being loyal to our leadership; i,e. the leadership of the Prophet's family. All the attendants took their rings out of their right hands to put them in the left. The Imam (A.S.) then ordered: Convey this commandment to all of our adherents -Shias.
  157. The least comfortable of people is the spiteful.
  158. The most pious of people is he who stops at suspicious matters. The best worshipper is he who performs the obligatory religious affairs duly. The most abstinent of people is he who abandons the unlawful. The most hard-working of people is he who deserts sins.
  159. You are plunging into decreased deadlines and limited days. He who sows good will harvest delight and he who sows evil will harvest regret. Each cultivator will gain only what he has cultivated. The slow will not gain but his own share. The acquisitive will not catch that which is not his. The source of every advantage is Allah, and the actual protector from every evil is Allah, too.
  160. The faithful believer is a blessing for the believers and a claim against he disbelievers.
  161. The heart of the foolish is in his mouth and the mouth of the wise is in his heart.
  162. The 11th Imam was once asked of the signs of a mo'min (believer). He listed the following signs.
  163. He is one prays 51 rakaats of salaa daily.
  164. He prostates on Khake Shafaa.
  165. He wears rings on his right hand.
  166. He repeats the verses of Azhan & Ikama.
  167. He recites "Bismillah" loudly in Namaz..
  168. He prays his Fajr Namaz  before the stars disappear and his Zohar prayers before the sun starts to decline.
  169. He recite Qunoot in Namaz .
  170. He dyes his hair and beard.
  171. He recites 5 Takbirs in Salatul Mayyit.
  172. The guaranteed sustenance should not engage you from the ordained deed.
  173. The excessiveness of the (ritual) ablution is as same as defect.
  174. Generosity has a limit, which when crossed becomes extravagance; caution hasa limit which when crossed becomes cowardice; thriftiness has a limit, which when crossed becomes miserliness; courage has a limit, which when crossed becomes fool-hardiness. Let this moral lesson suffice: refrain from doing anything which you would disapprove of if done by someone else.
  175. Bihar, Chapter--Knowledge.  Imam Askari (A) said: "A woman came to Fatima Zahra (A) and said: `I have a weak mother who has become confused about a matter related to her prayer; she sent me to inquire from you about it.'
    Fatima Zahra (A) answered her; the woman repeatedly came with questions for Fatima, and she (A) kindly answered her every time. One day the lady again approached Fatima (A) with another question from her mother and said to Fatima:
    `I shall not inconvenience you (any more), daughter of Allah's Messenger.'
    Fatima replied: 'Ask me regarding anything, which comes to your mind. Because if a man had been hired to transport a heavy load to the top of a mountain for a reward of one thousand dinars, do you think it would bother him?'
    The woman said: `No'
    Fatima continued: `My reward for (answering) every inquiry is more than that which fills (the space) between the ground and the Throne with pearls; thus, I should be more apt to answer your questions. Surely I heard my father say:
    `When the scholars of our Shiite (followers) are gathered (on the Day of Resurrection), they will be bestowed with garments of honor equal in quantity to their knowledge and struggle to guide Allah's worshippers, up to the point that anyone of them will be gifted with one million garments of light.' Then the caller of our Exalted and Glorified Lord will say:  `O you guardians of the orphans of Muhammad. (You) who inspire them when they are separated from their fathers, who are their Imams; these are your pupils and the orphans whom you guarded and inspired, therefore bestow them with garments of knowledge in life. Thus, they will bestow each orphan with that which corresponds to the amount of knowledge he received from them (the scholars); up to the point that some orphans are bestowed with one million garments. Like-so, the orphans bestow those who learnt from them.' Then Allah, the Exalted said:
    `Repeat upon these scholars, the guardians of the orphans, the bestowment and double and complete it for them and for those who follow them"
    Fatima (A) then added:
    `Worshipper of Allah, surely a thread of those garments is better than that on which the sun rises. "'
  176. Ibrahim ibn Khudaiyab Anbaari says Abu Aoun Arbash wrote in his letter to the eleventh Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.H.S.) saying that the people are considering it bad that the Imam (A.H.S.) went bare-chested in the funeral procession of his father Imam Ali al-Naqi (A.H.S.)! The eleventh Imam (A.H.S.) wrote him back, "O simpleton, what does it concern you? Open your ears and listen carefully, Prophet Moosa (A.H.S.) had bared his chest on the death of his brother Prophet Haroon (A.H.S.).
  177. Listen! Some people are born mo'min and remain mo'min their entire life and die a mo'min! Some people are born kaafir and remain a kaafir and even die as kaafir. Yet there are some people who are born mo'min and remain mo'min their entire life, but at the time of their death, become kaafir! And you shall not die until you become a kaafir and you shall not have become a lunatic!" So it happened as the Holy Imam (A.H.S.) had told, the man Abu Aoun Arbash went mad and started talking nonsense, and also rejected the Imamiya School of Thought. Hence, his son locked him in the house and stopped people from seeing him and he ultimately died ! [This narration has been taken from the book Rijaal Kushi, page 480.]
  178. Imam who will arise Hazrat Mahdi (Qa'im), peace be on him, and the events which will take place before his appearance, together with the indications and features of it.
    Among them are:
    - The Sufyani will come out in revolt;
    - the Hasanid will be killed;
    - the Abbasids will dispute over worldly kingdom;
    - there will be an eclipse of the sun in the middle of the month of Ramadan;
    - there will be an eclipse of the moon at the end of that month in contrast to ordinary happenings;
    - the land will be swallowed up at al-Bayda'; it will be swallowed in the east-it will be swallowed up in the west;
    - the sun will stay still from the time of its decline to the middle of the time for the afternoon prayer;
    - it will rise from the west;
    - a pure soul (nafs zakiyya) will be killed in the outskirts of Kufa with seventy righteous men;
    - a Hashimite will be slaughtered between the corner (of the Ka'ba) and the station of Abraham);
    - the wall of the mosque of Kufa will be destroyed;
    - black standards will advance from Khurasan;
    - al-Yamani will come out in revolt;
    - al-Maghribi will appear in Egypt and take possession of it from Syria;
    - the Turk will occupy the region of al-Jazira;
    - the Byzantines will occupy Ramla;
    - the star will appear in the east giving light just like the moon gives light;
    - then (the new moon) will bend until its two tips almost meet;
    - a colour will appear in the sky and spread to its horizons;
    - a fire will appear for a long time in the east remaining in the air for three or seven days;
    - the Arabs will throw off the reins and take possession of their land, throwing out the foreign authority;
    - the people of Egypt will kill their ruler and destroy Syria; and three standards will dispute over it (Syria);
    - the standards of Qays and the Arabs will come among the people of Egypt;
    - the standards of Kinda (will go) to Khurasan;
    - horses will come from the west until they are stabled in al-Hira;
    - the black standards will advance towards them from the east; the Euphrates will flood so that the water comes into the alleys of Kufa;
    - sixty liars will come forward, all of them claiming prophethood, and twelve will come forward from the family of Abu Talib, all of them claiming the Imamate; a man of important rank of the supporters of the 'Abbasids will be burnt between Jalula' and Khaniqin;
    - the bridge next to Karkh in the city of Baghdad will be established;
    - a black wind will raise it at the beginning of the day and then an earthquake will occur so that much of it will be swallowed up;
    - fear will cover the people of Iraq and Baghdad; swift death (will occur) there and there will be a loss of property, lives and harvests;
    - locusts will appear at their usual times and at times not usual so that they attack agricultural land and crops and there will be little harvest for what the people planted;
    - two kinds of foreigners will dispute and much blood will be shed in their quarrel;
    - slaves will rebel against obedience to their masters and kill their masters (mawali);
    - a group of heretics (ahl al-bida) will be transformed until they become monkeys and pigs;
    - slaves will conquer the land of their masters; a cry (will come) from the sky (in such a way) that all the people will hear it in their own languages;
    - a face and a chest will appear in the sky before the people in the centre of the sun;
    - the dead will arise from their graves so that they will return to the world and they will recognize one another and visit one another;
    - that will come to an end with twenty-four continous rainstorms and the land will be revived by them after being dead and it will recognize its blessings;
    - after that every disease will be taken away from those of the Shia of the Mahdi, peace be on him, who believe in the truth;
    at that time they will know of his appearance in Mecca and they will go to him to support him.
    (These signs) are as the reports have mentioned. Among the total of these events are some which are bound (to happen) and other which are conditional. God knows best what will take place. We have only mentioned them on the basis of what is recounted in basic sources of tradition (usul) because of their inclusion in traditions which have been handed down. From God we seek help and Him do we ask for success.
  179. The powerful will be definitely humiliated if he ignores the right and the humble will be definitely valued if he takes in it.
  180. Ahmad b. Ishaq relates that one day he was with Imam Hasan 'Askari when the latter asked him: "Ahmad, what do you say about the matter in which people have fallen in doubt?" He said: "When your letter announcing the birth of your son arrived, for all of us, that is, men, women, children, old and young, truth became manifest and we believed in what you conveyed to us." The Imam said: "Don't you know that the earth cannot be without God's proof in it?
  181. Fatigue is the friend of the ignorant.
  182. Amongst them is Imam Muhammad son of Hassan, son of Ali, son of Muhammad, son of Ali, son of Musa, son of Jafar, son of Muhammad, son of Ali, son of Hussein, son of Ali-ibn-Abi-Talib. his agnomen is Abu-Abdullah and Abul-Qasim and he is the successor, 'Hujjat' (proof) master of the age, 'Qa'im' (upholder) and 'Muntazir' (awaited one). he shall be the last imam.
  183. Nothing is above two characters: believing in Allah and benefiting the friends.
  184. The babies who dare their fathers will surely treat them impiously when they attain maturity.
  185. Buy a thousand pounds of bread and a thousand pounds of meat and distribute it among the Hashimites. Also, arrange for some sheep to be sacrificed for my newly born son's head-shaving ceremony ('aqiqa)
  186. To show happiness before the grieved is not a sign of good mannerism.
  187. Everything that you dislike your life if you lose it is surely preferred to your life, and everything that you desire for death if it befalls you is surely eviler than death.
  188. To educate an ignorant and to prevent a habit are two impossible actions.
  189. Modesty is an unenviable favor.
  190. Do not bestow upon anyone with matters that are difficult for him.
  191. Those who advice their friend secretly are respecting them, and those who advice them openly are humiliating them.
  192. Allah's favors encompass every misfortune.
  193.  Indeed, Divine destinies will never become overwhelmed and overcome; Divine will, too, will never become rejected; and nothing can supersede Divine grace.
  194.  Allah has not created creation in vain; He has not let it proceed without aim and purpose.
  195.  Allah raised Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a mercy for all worlds, completed His favours upon him and sealed messenger ship by him; He sent him as a guide to all people.
  196. Our hearts are the utensils of the Divine will; so when Allah wills something, we, too, will the same.
  197. Know! that the right of Imamate lies and belongs to us alone; and whoever believes otherwise is, in fact, bearing falsehood. Those who state such a claim (to this right) are in deviation and astrayal.
  198. Those who specify a time with respect to the Advent are liars.
  199. Supplicate abundantly for the rapid actualization of deliverance for that is tantamount to your (own) deliverance.
  200. Each and every one of you ought to practice that which enables you to attain proximity to our love and ought to distance oneself from that which is associated with our dissatisfaction and anger.
  201.  Indeed we possess thorough knowledge of all affairs surrounding you, and nothing is hidden from us in this regard.
  202. It is so ugly for a believer to follow a passion that causes him humiliation.
  203. One of the servant of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) Abu Ganim Khadim says, "A son was
    born to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.). He named him as Mohammad. When the child was
    three days told, Holy Imam showed him to his companions and told them that this
    child will be your leader and my successor.
  204. Holy Imam (A.S.) said:"We held a meeting in the district of "al-Askar", then, we waited for the day of Abu Muhammad's (the Holy Imam) going by, instead, he (a.s.) sent a letter in which he wrote the following: 'No one should greet me, nor refer to me with his hand nor gestures, because you would not secure yourselves."
  205. Generosity has a limit, which when crossed becomes extravagance.
  206. Bihar, Chapter--Knowledge.
    Imam Askari (A) said: "A woman came to Fatima Zahra (A) and said: `I have a weak mother who has become confused about a matter related to her prayer; she sent me to inquire from you about it.'
    Fatima Zahra (A) answered her; the woman repeatedly came with questions for Fatima, and she (A) kindly answered her every time. One day the lady again approached Fatima (A) with another question from her mother and said to Fatima:
    `I shall not inconvenience you (any more), daughter of Allah's Messenger.'
    Fatima replied: 'Ask me regarding anything, which comes to your mind. Because if a man had been hired to transport a heavy load to the top of a mountain for a reward of one thousand dinars, do you think it would bother him?'
    The woman said: `No'
    Fatima continued: `My reward for (answering) every inquiry is more than that which fills (the space) between the ground and the Throne with pearls; thus, I should be more apt to answer your questions. Surely I heard my father say:
    `When the scholars of our Shiite (followers) are gathered (on the Day of Resurrection), they will be bestowed with garments of honor equal in quantity to their knowledge and struggle to guide Allah's worshippers, up to the point that anyone of them will be gifted with one million garments of light.' Then the caller of our Exalted and Glorified Lord will say:
    `O you guardians of the orphans of Muhammad. (You) who inspire them when they are separated from their fathers, who are their Imams; these are your pupils and the orphans whom you guarded and inspired, therefore bestow them with garments of knowledge in life. Thus, they will bestow each orphan with that which corresponds to the amount of knowledge he received from them (the scholars); up to the point that some orphans are bestowed with one million garments. Like-so, the orphans bestow those who learnt from them.' Then Allah, the Exalted said:
    `Repeat upon these scholars, the guardians of the orphans, the bestowment and double and complete it for them and for those who follow them"
    Fatima (A) then added:
    'Worshipper of Allah, surely a thread of those garments is better than that on which the sun rises."'
  207. One day in the morning, I sat on a street called "Ghanam", and it happened that Abu Muhammad (A.S.), (the Holy Imam), was coming from his house, on the way to a public inn. I said to myself: "Consider O people! This is Allah's proof on you; therefore, acknowledge him. ' When he[the Holy Imam (A.S.)] passed beside me, he gestured with his forefinger towards me to keep silent. On that night I saw him saying: 'Surely, it is either to keep silent or be killed, therefore be awere of Allah against yourself.'"
  208. Were it not that among you is the one who is not from you, I would let you know when you would be set free. Then, he gestured to Jumhi to go out and thus he went away. Then, Abu Muhammad (A.S.) said: This man (i.e. Jumhi) is not from you, therefore, be careful of him. Because, in his clothes, there is a letter which he wrote for the caliph telling him what you say about him (the caliph). Therefore, some of the prisoners stood up and checked his clothes and found the same letter written therein.
  209. Caution has a limit which when crossed becomes cowardice.
  210. On the authority of Ahmad bin Muhammad, who said: "I wrote a letter to Abu Muhammad (A.S.) when the caliph, Muhtadi, started killing the supporters of (Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib(A.S.)) and said: O my Lord, praise be to Allah who kept him away from you. Indeed, I had been informed that the caliph threatened you, saying: "By Allah, I would drive them away from the surface of the earth'. Abu Muhammad(A.S.) wrote a letter saying: "That causes the caliph's age to be shorted, therefore, start counting from today five days and on the sixth, he (i.e. the caliph) will be assassinated after being humiliated and disdained, and, thus, it took place as the Holy Imam(A.S.) prophesied."
  211. The caliph, Mu'taz asked Sa'id, the chamberlain, to take Abu Muhammad(A.S.) to Kufa and behead him on the way. His (the Imam's) letter reached us, saying: 'Whatever you heard would be safe with you. Thus, after three days, Mu'taz was deposed and killed.
  212. "Abu Muhammad (Hassan al-Askari), peace be on him, was handed over to Nahrir. He was hard on him and did harm to him. His wife said to him: "Fear Allah, you do not know who is in your house. She mentioned to him his [Imam Hasan al-Askari's] righteousness and devotion (to Allah) and said: I fear for you as a result of him."
  213.  Sheikh Mufid, on the authority of Ismael Alawi, said:
    "Abu Muhammad (Hassan al-Askari(A.S.)), was detained by Ali bin Awtash. The latter was violent in his hostility to the holy family of Muhammad, (S.A.W.) and severe on the family of Abu-Talib (A.S.). He was told to treat him (badly) and he did so. Yet, [Imam Hassa al-Askari(A.S.)] was only with him for a day and he began to treat him with humility. He did not raise his eyes to him out of respect and honor. He would take leave from him and had become the most perceptive of men in repect to him and the best of them in his words about him.
  214. Holy Imam's Message To Is'haq Bin Ismail al-Nishabouri
    Allah cover you and us with His shelter and take care of all of your affairs through His power. I have understood your message - Allah compassionate you. Thanks to Allah, we - the Prophet's family - sympathize our disciples and feel delight when Allah's beneficence and favors are given to them incessantly. We also count every favor that Allah, the Blessed the Exalted, bestows upon them.
  215. Allah confer upon you, Is'haq, and your examples, whom Allah has compassionated and led to the right, with His grace. Allah make His favor perfect for you by taking you to Paradise. "Alhamdu Lillah - All praise be to Allah -" is the perfect thanks for any favor, apart from its greatness or magnitude. I praise Allah too much to be compared to any wording of praise all over times, for His conferment of graces upon you as He has compassionated you, saved you from destruction, and eased your course to pass the obstacle.
  216. By Allah, it was such an insurmountable obstacle. Its matter was too intense; its course was too difficult; its trial was too hard; it was mentioned in the ancient books. In the time of the late Imam(A.S.) and in my days, you have had some affairs due to which I dispraised your opinions for you have been practicing unsuccessfully. You should know so fully, Is'haq, that he whoever quits this world with blindness will be also blind in the world to come and in terrible error.
  217. O Is'haq, it is not the sights that are affected with blindness; in fact, it is the hearts that are in the chests. This is proved in Allah's conveying the saying of the wrong ones in His Book of wisdom:
  218. He will say, 'My Lord, why have you brought me back to life blind; before I could see?' The Lord will say, 'This is true. But just as you forgot Our (claim) that had come to you, so, too, are you forgotten on this day. (Holy Qur'an 20:124-125)
  219. Which claim is more magnificent than the Lord's argument against His creatures, the Lord's representative on His lands, and the Lord's witness on His servants after the consecution of forefathers; the prophets and forefathers; the successors of the prophets?
  220. Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon them all. Where are you taken away?
  221. Where are you directing aimlessly like animals?
  222. Are you rejecting the right and believing in the wrong?
  223. How are you denying the grace of Allah?
  224. Do not be like those who believe in only a part of the Book and disbelieve in the other.
  225. He whichever of you or others does so will gain nothing more than debasement in this worldly life and a long-termed agony in the permanent life to come.
  226. That is surely the greatest debasement.
  227. Allah, the Benefactor the Merciful, imposed upon you these duties not out of His need for your performances of these duties.
  228. He imposed them out of His mercy for the purpose of making a distinction between the bad and the good, testing what you bear in your breasts, and examining what you have in your hearts so that you will compete with each other to attain His mercy and have different places in His Paradise.
  229. He, therefore, imposed upon you to perform the hajj and umrah, offer prayers, defray the zakat, fast, and embrace the Wilaya. He has also assigned for you an entrance to the doors of the obligatory duties and a key to His course.
  230. Without Muhammad(S.A.W.) and the successors among his sons, you would have been confused, like animals, and you would have been unable to know any of the religious ordinances.
  231. How can a city be entered without its door?
  232. After He had done you the greatest favor of assigning (definite) leaders after your Prophet,
  233. Allah said in His book: On this day I have perfected your religion, completed My favors to you, and have chosen Islam as your religion. (Holy Qur'an 5:3) Allah has also made incumbent upon you to fulfill some rights for your leaders so that your wives, property, food, and drinks will be lawful for you.
  234. Allah says: [Muhammad(S.A.W.)], say, "I do not ask you for any payments for my preaching to you except (your) love of (my near) relatives. (Holy Qur'an 42:23)
  235. You should know that whoever behaves miserly does so against his own soul only.
  236. Allah is Self-sufficient and you are poor.
  237. There is no god but Allah. The speech with you about what is yours and what is against you has been very long.
  238. You would not see my handwriting and would not hear a single letter from me after the departure of the past Imam(A.S.) except for that Allah liked to perfect His favors for you.
  239. Meanwhile, you are plunging in negligence of that to which you will inevitably return and I have assigned Ibrahim-bin-Abda as my representative and you have received my message that was conveyed by Mohammed-bin-Musa al-Nisabouri.
  240. Help is sought from Allah only in every condition. Beware of falling short of the duties of Allah lest, you will be with the losing ones.
  241. Woe and away with them who disregard the acts of obedience to Allah and reject the admonitions of Allah's disciples. Allah has ordered you to obey Him, His Messenger, and the men of authority [namely the Holy Imams(A.S.)].
  242. Allah compassionate (you for) your weakness and negligence and help you tolerate your duties. Man is too deceived about his All-Generous Lord.
  243. Had the solid rocks understood a part of that which is mentioned in the (Holy) Book, they should have certainly been humbled and rent asunder for anxiety, fear, and return to the obedience to Allah.
  244. Do whatever you like, for surely "Allah and His Messenger will soon make your deeds public, then you will return to Him who has absolute knowledge of the unseen and the seen and He will inform you of what you have done. (Holy Qur'an 9:94) All praise is due to Allah the Lord of the worlds. Peace be upon Muhammad(S.A.W.) and his family entirely.
  245. Thus the one out of the Jurisprudents who is the protector of his soul, saver of religion, the opposer of his passions and lusts ego), submissive to the commons of his Lord; so it is obligatory for the people to imitate and follow him. (Taqleed means unconditional imitation)" . (Wasail U Shia Vol 18, P95)
  246. He has not left a son besides Abu al-Qasim, who is known as Muhammad and Hujjat. That boy was five years old when his father died.
  247. His son's name is Muhammad, and his patronymic is Abu 'Abd Allah and Abu al-Qasim. He is the Proof of God's existence, the Master of the Age, the Qa'im, and the Muntazar.
  248. The Imamate has come to an end with him." Then he reports traditions about the Mahdi.
  249. In another report Hakima relates the event of the birth of the twelfth Imam, cited earlier, in which Imam Hasan 'Askari requests her to spend the night of 15th Sha'ban (255 AH/870 CE) in his house because a child was going to be born. At that point Hakima asked him: "Which of your maidens is the mother of the child?"
  250. The Imam said: "It is Narjis." Hakima said: "Yes, I too like her the most among your slave girls
  251. Thriftiness has a limit, which when crossed becomes miserliness.
  252. -Imam Hasan Askari himself has said to an Alawi Sayed, Mohammad bin Ali Hamz, "Waliya-e-Khuda and my successor was born on the dawn of 15th Shabaan 255 Hijri".
  253. Abu al-Qasim Muhammad b. Hasan was born in the year 258 AH/873 CE in Samarra. His father's name was Hasan Khalis. Among the titles [of this last Imam] are: Hujjat, Khalaf Salih (the righteous offspring) and Muntazar (the awaited one).
  254. Muhammad b. Yusuf, following his entry on the death of Imam Hasan 'Askari, writes: "He did not have any child beside Muhammad. It is said that he is the same as the Awaited Imam (imam muntazar)."
  255. Ahmad b. Ishaq relates that one day he came to see Imam Hasan 'Askari with the intention of asking about his successor. The Imam began the conversation.
  256. He said: O Ahmad b. Ishaq, from the time God created Adam until the Day of Resurrection, God has not and will not leave the earth without His proof.
  257. It is because of the existence of this person that calamity is removed from earth and rain falls on it, through which the earth brings forth blessings.
  258. At that juncture Ahmad asked the Imam about his successor. The Imam went in the private quarters of his house and returned carrying a three year old boy whose face was shining like the fourteenth night moon and said:
  259. O Ahmad, if you had not been close to the Imams and highly respected by them I would not have shown my son to you.
  260. Know that this boy's name and patronymic are the same as the Prophet's name and patronymic.
  261. He is the one who will fill the earth with justice and equity
  262. Courage has a limit, which when crossed becomes fool-hardiness
  263. Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) has showed his son Hazrat Hujjat to many of his servants and trusted followers (who are sure not to give the message to the Abbasi Caliph) and they have given witness to the birth of Hazrat-e-Mahdi (a.s.).
  264. One of the servant of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) Abu Ganim Khadim says, "A son was born to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.). He named him as Mohammad.
  265. When the child was three days told, Holy Imam showed him to his companions and told them that this child will be your leader and my successor."
  266. Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Malik was among the group of the prominent members of the Shi'a that included 'Ali b. Bilal, Ahmad b. Hilal, Muhammad b. Mu'awiya b. Hakim and Hasan b. Ayyub. He relates the following occasion: We were all gathered at the Imam 'Askari's house to find out about his successor. We were some forty people there. At that time 'Uthman b. 'Amr stood up and asked: "O son of the Prophet, we have come to ask you about something of which you have better knowledge."
  267. The Imam said: "Please be seated." He then left the room asking everyone to remain there.
  268. He returned after an hour, having brought with him a small boy whose face was shining like the moon.
  269. He then announced: "This is your Imam. Obey him.
  270. And also know that you will no more see him after today
  271. 'Amr Ahwazi reported that Imam 'Askari showed him his son and told him that he was the Imam after him.
  272. Kamil b. Ibrahim relates that he saw the twelfth Imam in the house of Imam Hasan 'Askari. He was four years old and his face was as beautiful as the full moon. The Imam answered his questions before he asked him.
  273. Sa'd b. 'Abd Allah recounts: "I saw the Master of the Age as his face was bright like the full moon. He was sitting on his father's lap and responded to the questions I asked.
  274. Hamza b. Nusayr, Imam 'Ali Naqi's slave relates from his father: When the twelfth Imam was born the family members in the household of Imam Hasan 'Askari were congratulating each other. When the Imam had grown a little older I was asked to buy daily meat with some bone and it was said that the meat was for "our younger master.
  275. Ibrahim b. Muhammad relates: Once because of fear of the governor I decided to escape from Samarra. I came to Imam Hasan 'Askari's house in order to bid him farewell. I saw a beautiful child next to him. I asked him:
  276. "O son of the Prophet, who is this child?" The Imam replied: "He is my son and successor
  277. Abu Harun reports that he saw the twelfth Imam when his face was shining like the full moon.
  278.  Ya'qub relates that one day he went to visit Imam 'Askari. On the right side of the Imam he saw a room with a curtain hanging on its entrance.
  279. He asked the Imam as to who was the Master of the Age. The Imam said: "Raise the curtain!."
  280.  When he raised the curtain, a boy appeared and came and sat on the Imam's lap. At that time, the Imam told Ya'qub: "This is your Imam.
  281. One of the companions of Imam Hasan 'Askari by the name of Ibrahim b. Idris relates that the Imam sent him a sheep with a message that he should sacrifice it for the latter's having performed the ceremony of shaving off his son's birth hair ('aqiqa), and share the meat with his family.
  282. Ibrahim carried out the Imam's order. But when he came to see him the Imam said: "Our child has died."
  283. However, once again he sent Ibrahim two sheep with a letter in which the Imam instructed  Ibrahim:  In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Sacrifice these sheep for your master's ceremony of 'aqiqa and eat the meat with your family.  Ibrahim carried out the order. But when he came to see the Imam the latter did not mention anything about it.
  284. Imam Hasan 'Askari had several slave girls with different names. On two occasions Hakima Khatun has mentioned these slave girls. At one time she came to visit Imam Hasan 'Askari and saw him seated in the courtyard of his house, surrounded by his slave girls. She asked him: "Which one of these girls is going to be the mother of your successor?" The Imam replied: "It is Sawsan.
  285. It is said that in his last days when Imam Hasan 'Askari was ill he appointed his mother as the executer of his will so that she could manage his affairs after his death. This matter was officially approved by the court. In this will there was no mention of his son. Moreover, his estate was divided between his mother and his brother.
  286. Bahlool once saw the young Imam crying in the street where all the other children were busy playing with their toys. He asked whether Imam was crying because he had no toys to play with.
  287. Imam replied: "We have not been created to play!
  288. Bahlool asked where he had learnt his from and the Imam said :
    "Have you not read the Qur'an where it says - "Do you think we have created you in vain and that you will not be returned to us".
  289. When Bahlool heard this he asked Imam for some advice. Imam talked about death, barzakh and qiyama and cried so much, he fainted.
  290. When he came to, Bahlool asked him why he was so fearful as he was not even baligh yet.
  291. Imam said: "I have watched my mother light a fire; she uses the little twigs to get the big pieces of wood to burn; I fear that on qiyama Allah too will use little ones to light the big ones.
  292. 'Amr Ahwazi reported that Imam 'Askari showed him his son and told him that he was the Imam after him.
  293. Mu'awiya b. Hakim, Muhammad b. Ayyub and Muhammad b. 'Uthman 'Amri related the following account: We were forty people who had come together in Imam Hasan 'Askari's house. The Imam presented his son to us and said: "This is your Imam and my successor.
  294. After me you must obey him. Do not get into a dispute on this matter, otherwise you will be destroyed.
  295. However, you must remember that after this you will not be able to see him.
  296. Don't argue so that not loose your respect , and don't joke so that others are not impudent to you (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.516)
  297. Whoever was saficied with setting in the ordinary places of the setting ,God and his angels send mercy upon him till get up (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.516)
  298. Of the sins which are not forgiven saying : I wish I will not be reprimanded except for this sin (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.517)
  299. polytheism among the people is more hidden than the ant's movement on a black cover in a dark night (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.517)
  300. In the name of Allah , the beneficient the merciful is closer to Gos's blackness to its whiteness (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.517)
  301. The nighteous live to the righteous is a reward for the righteous ; the sinner's love to the righteous is magnanimity for the righteous ; the sinner's enmity to the righteous is an adornment for the righteous ; and the righteous enmity to the sinners is a disgrace for the sinners (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.517)
  302. Improper ( without reason ) laughing is the isgn of ignorance (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.517)
  303. It is enough in politeness to dislike for others what you dislike for yourself (Mesnad Al_Imam Al_Askari , P.288)
  304. Of the back _ breaking afflictions is the neighbour who if saw a good _ deed consealed it and if saw a bad _ deed disclised it (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.517)
  305. Worship is not increased fasting and praying , however it is increased contemplation in God's command (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.518)
  306. What a bad slave of God is the one having two faces and two tongues ; he praises his brother in his presence , backbits him his brother when receive a bestowment and abandons him when afflicted (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.518)
  307. Reaching the exalted Glorious God is a journey ( which is ) not possible except by night vigilence (Mesnad Al_Imam Al_Askari, P.290)
  308. The least resting among the people is the envious (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.519)
  309. The believer is a blessing for another believer , and a conclusive argument over the non _ believer (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.519)
  310. The fool's heart is in his mouth , and the wise's mouthis in his heart (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.519)
  311. When the upriser (P) upnises , he orders of destroying the minaretes and prayer niches in the mospues
    (Al_Ghaibat Lel_Shaik Al_Toosi , P.133)
  312. Whoever exceeds the limits in his legal purification , is as the one who has nullified it (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.520)
  313. No honourable person leavs the truth unless is humuliated and no humuliated person takes the truth unless is honoured (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.520)
  314. Whoever is fond of God shuns people (Mesnad Al_Imam Al_Askari , P.287)
  315. Two traits have nohting higher than them : faith in God and benefitting the brothers (TOhaf Al_Okool , P.520)
  316. The young child's impudence to his father lends to his disobedience ( to parents ) when get old (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.520)
  317. It is impolite to show happiness in front of the sad (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.520)
  318. Better than living is the thing which if loose , hate life ( forit ) ; and worst than death is the thing which if came to you , live death ( because of it ) (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.520)
  319. Educating the ignotant and tunning the adduct from his habbit are miracles (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.520)
  320. Humbleness is a blessing which is not envyed (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.520)
  321. Whoever had piety as his character , generosity as his nature and patience as his trait , will have many friends (Mesnad Al_Imam Al_Askari , P.289)
  322. Whoever admonished his brother in sevret , has adorned him , and whoever admonished him in front of others , has uglified him (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.520)
  323. There is no affliction unless have a blessing from God surrounding it (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.520)
  324. How ugly is it for a believer to have attachment to semething which cause his humuliation (Tohaff Al_Okool , P.520)
  325. The most pious among the people is the one to stop ( action ) in doubts , the most worshiping is the one to perform the obligations , the most austere is the one to leave the unlawful , and the most striving is the one to leave sins (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.519)
  326. You have decreasing lives , enumerated days and a sudden death . Whoever grew seeds , of goodness , harvest happiness and whoever grew seed of badness , harvest regret . Every bofy reveives what he grew . The slow ( person ) will not miss and profit , the greedy will not attain what is not decreed for him . Whoever attained any goodness , God has given it to him and whoever was released him (Tohaf Al_Okool , P.519)
  327. The beautiful face is apparent beauty , and good reasoning is inner beauty (Behar Al_anwar , Vol.78 , P.377)
  328. All filths are put in a house and the key to it is lying (Behar Al_anwar , Vol.78 , P.377)
  329. It has been narrated from cAbdollaah ibn Mohammad who said: ((I asked my master Abaa Mohammad Hasan ibn cAli [Imaam cAskari] in Saamirraa’[120], in the year 255 AH, to dictate to me a salawaat[121] to be recited for the Prophet and his Awseyaa’. And I had taken with me a large sheet of paper. So he dictated to me:
  330. The salaat for Lady Faatimah:…O Allaah! You be her claimant from those who did her injustice, and usurped her right. O Allaah! You be her avenger for the blood of her children…[122])). [120]
  331. The city in which he and his father (Imaam Haadi) were held prisoner and were killed and were buried, in today’s Northern-Iraq.[121] Plural of salaat. Here, salaat means docaa’ for Allaah’s Blessings and Mercy for someone.
  332. There is a large number of set formal salawaat narrated from some of the Fourteen Macsoomeen to be recited for other macsoomeen; however any Moslem can compose his own salaat for one or more of the Fourteen Macsoomeen, in any language format, provided that he has a considerable knowledge of Islam.[122] Behaar al-Anwaar / al-Majlesi = vol. 94, page 74.
  333. Shaykh Tusi says, in his book Misbah, that imam Hassan bin Ali Al Askari wrote this dua'a for Abu Mohammad who requested him to teach him the proper way of reciting salawat. Allama Majlisi has mentioned this dua'a on the authority of Ibn babawayh who confidently says that there is no difficulty or problem that this dua'a does not solwe. The merciful Allah is beseeched in the name of and for the sake of the Holy prophet and his Ahl ul Bayt. It is known as "quick-fulfillment-of-all-legitimate-desires" dua'a.

    O Allah, I beseech Thee, and turn towards Thee, through Thy Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy, Mohammad, may Allah Bless him and his Progeny, and grant them peace. O Abul-Qasim, O Messenger of Allah O guide of mercy, O intercessor of the community, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need; O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Abul Hasan, O Commander of the Faithful, O ‘Ali, son of Abu Talib, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Fatima Zahra, O daughter of Mohammad, O Joy to the eye of the Prophet, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in Judgement ower us. O Abu Mohammad, O Hasan, son of ‘Ali, O elected one O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Abu Abdallah, O Husain, son of ‘Ali, O Martyr O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Abu Mohammad, O ‘Ali, son of al-Husain, O Zayn al-Abidin, O Prostrator before Allah O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Abu Ja’far, O Mohammad, son of ‘Ali, O knowledgeable one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Abu ‘Abdallah, O Ja’far, son of Mohammad, O truthful one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Abu Ibrahim, O Musa, son of Ja’far, O tranquil one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Abul Hasan, O ‘Ali, son of Musa, O dewoted one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Abu Ja’far, O Mohammad, son of ‘Ali, O generous, Taqi’ and pious one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Abul Hasan, O Ali, son of Mohammad, O guide (Hadi) and pure one (Naqi), O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O Abu Mohammad, O Hasan, son of ‘Ali, O Wise one and warrior, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O inheritor of al-Hasan, O successor, O upright one, O Proof, O awaited upriser, O Mahdi, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisiwe argument of Allah ower mankind, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and adwocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement ower us. O our chief , O our master, O my chiefs, O my Masters, I turn to Allah through you, O my Imams, my supporters on the days of my destitution. I seek your adwocacy before Allah, I request you to speak in my fawour before Allah, obtain pardon for me from Allah, and deliwer me from my sins, through my lowe of you and nearness to you, obtain deliwerance (for me) from Allah O my chiefs, O close friends of Allah, may Allah bless all of them, and curse the enemies of Allah who hawe oppressed them and will oppress them so be it, O Lord of the worlds.

    Allahoomma sale Alaa Mohammadin Wa Ale Mohammad.
    Allahoomma Inni As’aloka Wa Atawaj-jaho llaika Be Nabi-yyeka Nabi-yyir Rahmate Mohammadin Sal-lal-laho ‘Alaihe Wa Aalehi Ya Abal-Oasime Ya Rasoolal-lahe Ya Imamar-Rahmate Ya Sayyedana Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna was-tash-fa’na Wa Tawas-salna Beka Ilal-Iahe Wa Qaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan Indal-Iahesh-fa.lana Indal-Iah. Ya Abal-Hasane Ya Ameerul Mo’mineena Ya Ali-yyabna Abi
    Talib Ya Hoojjatal-Iahe Ala Khalqehi Ya Saiyyedana Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna Wa Tawas-salna Beka I,al lahe Wa qaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan .lndal-Iahe Ishfa.lana Indallah Ya Fatematuz zehro. Ya Binte Mohammadin Ya
    Qoorrata .Ainir-Rasoole Ya Saiyyedatana Wa Mawla. tana Inna Tawaj-jahna Wa Tawas-salna Beka Ilal-Iahe Wa Qaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya waji hetan Lana .Indallahe. Ya Aba Mohammadin Ya Hassanabna .Aliyyin Ayyo-hal Moojtaba Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-Iahe .Ala Khalqehi Ya Saiyyedana Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna Wa Tawas-salna Beka llal-lahe
    wa Qaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan 'Indal-Iaheish-fa'lana 'Indal-Iahe, Ya Aba ' Abdil-lahe Ya Husainabna ' Ali-yyin Ayyohash shaheedo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Saiyyedana Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna was-tash-fa'na Wa Tawas-salna Beka llal-Iahe Wa Qadamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan In-dal-Iaheish-fa'lana 'Indal-Iah Ya Abal-Hasane Ya 'Ali Yabnal-Husaine Ya Zainal'abedeena Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Saiyyedana Wa Mawfana Inna Tawaj-jahna was-tash-fa'na Wa Tawas-safna Beka l'al-Iahe Wa
    Qadamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan 'Indal-laheish-fa'lana 'indal-Iah. Ya Aba Ja'farin Ya Mohammadabna ' Aliyyin Ayyohal-Baqercl Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Sayyedana Wa Mawlana inna Tawaj-jahna was-
    tash-fa'na Wa Tawas-safna Beka Ilal-Iahe Wa Qaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan Indaf-Iaheish-fa'lana 'Indal-Iah. Ya Aba ' Abdil-lahe Ya Ja'farabna Mohammadin Ayyohas-sadiqo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Sayyedana Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna was-tash-fa'na Wa Tawas-salna Beka Ilal-Iahe Wa
    Qadamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan 'Indal-laheish-fa'lana 'Indal-Iah Ya Abal-Hasane Ya Moosabna Ja'farin Ayyohal-Kazimo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjataf-lahe ' Afa Khalqehi Ya Sayyedana Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna was-tash-fa'na Wa
    Tawas-salna Beka Ilal-Iahe Wa Qaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan 'Indaf.laheish-fa.lana 'Indal.fah. Ya Abal-Hasane Ya ' Ali-yyabna Moosa Ayyohar-Riza Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal.fahe , Khalqehi Ya Sayyedna Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna was-tash-fa'na Wa Tawas-salna Beka Ilal-lahe Wa Qaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan 'Jndal-Iaheish-fa'lana 'Indal-Iah. Ya Aba Ja'farin Ya
    Mohammadabna ' Ali-yyin Ayyohat-Taqi-yool Jawado Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Sayyedna Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna was-tash-fa'na Wa Tawas-salna Beka Ila-Iahe Wa Oadamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan 'Indal.laheish-fa'lana 'Indal-Iah. Ya Abal-Hasane Ya , Ali-yyabna Mohammadin Ayyohal-Hadiyin Naqiyyo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojjatal-lahe ' Ala Khalqehi
    Ya Sayyedana Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna was-tash-fa'na Wa Tawas-salna Beka Ilal-Iahe Wa Oadamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan 'Indal-Iaheish-fa'lana 'Indal-Iah. Ya Aba Mohammadin Ya Hasanabna Aliyyin Ayyohaz-zaki-yool-Askariyyo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hojjatal-Iahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Sayyedana Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna wastash-fa'na Wa Tawas-salna Beka llal-Iahe Wa Oaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan 'Indal-laheish-fa'lana 'Indaf-Iah. Ya wasi-yyal.Hasane wal-Khalafal-Hoojjata Ayyohal-Oaa ' emool- Moontazarool- Mahdiyyo Yabna Rasoolil-lahe Ya Hoojatal-Iahe ' Ala Khalqehi Ya Sayyedana Wa Mawlana Inna Tawaj-jahna was-tash-
    fa'ana Wa Tawas-salna Beka l'al-Iahe Wa Oaddamnaka Baina Yadai Hajatena Ya wajihan 'Indal-Iaheish-fa'Jana 'Indal-Iah :
    Ya sadati Wa Mawaliyya Inni Tawaj-jahto Bekoom A’imati Wa ‘ooddati Le-yawme Faqri Wa Hajati llal-lahe Wa Tawas-salto bekoom illa-lahe, was-tas-fa’to bekoom llal-lahe, Fash-fa’oolee Indal-lahe, wastanqwzooni Min Zonoobi ‘Idal-lahe, Fa-innakoom wasilati llal-lahe Wa Be-Hoobbekoom Wa Be-Qoorbe-koom Arjoo Najatan Minal-lahe Fakoomoo ‘Indal-lahe Rajaa’ee Ya Sadati Ya Awliyaa’Allahe Sal-la-laho ‘Alaihim Ajma’een Wa La’anal-laho a’dall-‘Allahe Zalemeehim Minal-Aw-waleena wal-akher-‘eena ameen Rabbal’alameen.
    Allahoomma sale Alaa Mohammadin Wa Ale Mohammad.

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