

40 Hadith Holy Quran


1- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Behar, vol. 92, p. 176))
Quran is the panacea of every disease and pain.

2- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Vasael, vol. 4, P 843))
The greatest prayer is the recitation of the Quran.

3- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 233))
The best among you, is he, who learns the Quran and teaches others.

4- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)           ((Vasael, vol. 4, p. 833))
While a pious young man recites the Quran, it will mingle with all his entity, his flesh and blood.

5- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Vasael, vol. 4, p. 865))
Learn the Quran with the same Arabic language.

6- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Nahjol-Balaghe, Khotbah 109))
Learn the Quran to the best extent. Quran makes happy the hearts and the best word and discourses.

7- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Vasael, vol. 4, p. 853))
There is no other pain higher to the devil, than reading the Quran (Sentence by Sentence).

8- Imam Sajjad (A. S.)           ((Vasael, vol. 3, P 582))
If all the people of the word die, so long as the Quran is my companion and confidant, I will never admit fear from loneliness.

9- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)           ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 4, p. 417))
The one who reads the Quran, page by page, will increase his vision and reduce his parents punishment, whatever it may be, even if they are unbelievers.

10- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Vasael, vol. 4. p. 850))
Recital of the Quran at home, causes blessings, prosperity, happiness and providence for those who resides in it.

11- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)           ((Mostadrak. vol. 4, p. 26l))
Reciter and listener of the Quran are alike in prize and reward.

12- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 235))
All living creatures, even fish of the seas, look for forgiveness and salvation to the teacher and student of the Quran.

13- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Oddatol Daee, p. 269))
The Prayer who recites Quran, recieves hundred "Good Acts" while standing and fifty while is sitting, the rewards of reciting Quran with purity and cleanliness, in states other than Praying, will be equivalent to twenty-five "Good Acts" and ten without purity and cleanliness.

14- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 266))
The lower-most houses, is the one, where no verses of the "word of God" are found.

15- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A.S.)           ((Behar, vol. 92, p. 205))
The person who is ending the Quran in honoured Mecca, before death will see the Prophet of lslam(P.B.U.H.), and will take his place in Paradise.

16- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 237))
Supereminence of the Quran, over all sayings and words is like supremacy of God to all his creatures.

17- Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.)           ((Vasael, vol. 4, p. 831))
The one who listens to the Quran will be protected from all disasters in this world, and the one who recites the Quran will be immune from the sufferings of eternity.

18- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Mosthdrak, vol. 4, p. 235))
The person who teaches a verse of God's book, as long as recitation of the verse takes place will, be given a reward.

19- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)           ((Behar, vol. 92, p. 216))
In the commencement of the recitation of the Quran close the doors to sinfulness by saying (Aoozo Bellahe Men-ashaitane-rrajim) "curse upon devil" and by saying (Besme-Llahe-Rrahmane-Rrahim) open the doors of obedience to yourself.

20- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)           ((Behar, vol. 92, p. 211))
Recitation of the Quran without contemplation and thought is futile.

21- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)           ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 79))
There has come the stories of predecessors, and prediction of future generation. The Quran will judge between you and we are completely aware of all of it.

22- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Vasael, vol. 4, p. 850))
You should be brightening your homes with the recitation of the Quran

23- Imam Hossein (A.S)           ((Jameol-Akkbar, p. 41))
Quran has amazing appearance and has end-less depth.

24- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Nahjol-Balaghe-Faiz, p. 978))
You are allowed to guard the Quran and don't let others overtake you in action.

25- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Mostadrak, vol. 4, p 250))
The one who counts the unauthorized words of the Quran authorized has no reliance on God's help!

26- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)           ((Vasael, vol. 4, p. 842))
The ranks in paradise relate to verses of the Quran and in the resurrection day, the reciter of Quran will be told, read it to promote yourself to a higher rank, and as he reads a verse of Quran he will promote himself to a higher rank.

27- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A.S.)           ((Vasael, vol. 4, p. 844))
The one who recites Quran, is touring the heavens, with the difference that there is no heavenly being with him.

28- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Ashshehab-Fel-Hekame-Val-Adab, p. 44))
If a person interperts tha Quran on his own veiws, he will prepare his lodging in hell.

29- The Endeared Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Behar, vol. 92, p. 184))
There are people who recite the Quran, but are cursed by Quran, while reciting (because they do not act on what they read).

30- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)           ((Behar, vol. 92, p. 182))
The one from among the Moslems who recites the Quran but in the end finds his way to hell is considerd to he among those that have taken the word of God in jest.

31- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Ashshehab fel-Hekame-Val-Adab, p.41))
The one who adds anything to the Book of God is undeserving of God.

32- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A. S.)           ((Savabol-Amal, p. 232))
Everything has a spring and the spring of the Quran is the pleasant month of Ramazan.

33- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)           ((Behar, vol 92, p. 110))
The one who interprets the Quran on his own will, if his idea has conformity with reality, would never get any reward and if he went wrong, it is a sin for him.

34- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Ashshehab fel-Hekame-Val-Adab, p. 13))
If you received on behalf of me a hadith (narration), compare it to the book of God, if had similarity, accept, otherwise discard.

35- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Oddatod-Daee, p. 269))
It is advisable for a religious man before his end comes near to learn the Quran, or to be on the way of learning it.

36- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Shehabol-Akhbar, p. 91))
Quran is the wealth that makes man without any need (gives a man all he needs) and there is no other wealth higher than that to be considered.

37- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A.S.)            ((Vasael, vol. 4, p. 843))
Shiahs (Followers) of Ali(A.S.) are those that pray much and recite the book of God.

38- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 236))
The one who considers the Quran as supreme and bows to it, in fact has bowed to God.

39- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Osoo1e-Kafi, vol. 4, p. 418))
Understanding the knowledge and wisdom of the Quran is by far higher than memorizing.

40- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)           ((Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 257))
Salman1! recite the Quran. That the recitation of the Quran cleans the sins.

1.Salman is one of the great, friends of the Honorable Prophet of Islam.

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